Marketing: More Than Just Advertising

Marketing is often equated with advertising. However, this is a very simplified view—there is much more to marketing than that.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16.08.2024

Marketing: More Than Just Advertising

Advertising is certainly an important part of a marketing concept because, of course, you need to be interested in making yourself, your products, and your services known in the market. But is it enough just to place an ad or print colorful brochures? Marketing is much more diverse. It ranges from a well-thought-out marketing strategy to friendly employees.

Why is marketing so important for your business?

First, the question of what marketing means needs to be clarified. Entrepreneurs often quickly answer the question with "advertising." This answer is not entirely correct and should not be left at that. Of course, advertising is a part of marketing. But it encompasses much more:
Marketing starts at the "door handle" of the company and extends to the demeanor of the employees or the management because marketing encompasses the entire company! The best advertising will dissolve into thin air if the company, the people, do not stand behind the product.

There is still a prevailing trend to focus mainly on advertising to make one’s business known, often following the motto: The more, the better!
But many forget that people today are almost flooded with advertising – and therefore, little of it sticks. Simpler but equally effective ways should be pursued to achieve this goal.

Marketing starts in the mind

You first need to think fundamentally about what goal you want to achieve. Next, you should consider what you want and need to communicate to achieve this.
A strategic consideration also comes into play: Where do you place emphasis? How is the company developing?
This consideration naturally includes a detailed analysis of the company:

  • Where does my company stand in comparison to the market?
  • What sets me apart from my competitors?
  • What does my online presence look like?
  • How is the personal contact with my customers? Do I know their needs and problems, and how do I address them?
  • Where do I stand with my service?
  • How do I use social media channels?
  • How can I retain my customers?
    (Especially nowadays: The customers are at the center of everything.)

Most customers today no longer buy a specific product just because it is the cheapest.
Price, quality, or performance are, of course, still important criteria. But emotions, recommendations, or experiences of other customers are at least as powerful – especially in the age of social media!
If your customers are satisfied with your product, your performance, and your company’s service, competitors will have a much harder time “poaching” these customers.

Define goals and stick to them: You need a marketing strategy

Therefore, even for small businesses, a marketing strategy is of particular importance. It is a concept in which all important key points are defined.
This includes identifying target groups, analyzing customers, tracking figures about market potential, and also controlling your own sales. The crucial thing is that the company thinks in a market-oriented way – regardless of whether you are a “lone wolf” or employ staff.
Speaking of employees: They should also have internalized your company’s philosophy and project it externally. Their demeanor towards (potential) customers is a crucial factor in how your business is perceived!


Especially when things are not going well, it helps to involve an outsider. This could be someone from your family or circle of friends, or you could hire a marketing expert.
An outside perspective can provide fresh impulses, help find new ways, and, above all, uncover mistakes – the ones you no longer see due to “operational blindness!”

And, of course, you also need the courage to sometimes take unconventional paths! These are often the opportunities to stand out in a highly competitive market and leave an impression that stays with (potential) customers.

Are you just starting out and taking your first steps into self-employment? Then check out our article, "Marketing: How Do I Make My Business Known?"