Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs: European exchange program for (future) young entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Entrepreneurs offers you the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs who run a small business in another participating country.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30.05.2024

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs enables an intensive exchange of experiences and helps you acquire the necessary skills to run a small business. Host companies benefit from a new perspective on their own business and have the opportunity to establish new business relationships or explore new markets.

Who can participate in the "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" program?

The program is not restricted to any specific industry.

Eligible participants are those who:

  • Have a firm intention to start their own business and can present a realistic business plan;
  • Have started their own business within the last three years.

Additional requirements include:

  • You reside in one of the participating countries.
  • You have developed a concrete project or business idea and have a business plan.
  • You are also willing to provide additional funds to cover the costs of your stay that cannot be covered by grants.

What business areas can you learn about during your stay?

You decide together with your host company which activities are important to you during your stay. These can include:

  • Working alongside and collaborating with the host entrepreneurs.
  • Conducting market research and developing new business opportunities.
  • Participating in training programs in entrepreneurship, innovation, and research & development.
  • Improving or refining your own business plan.
  • Gaining knowledge in financing.
  • Gaining insights into company strategies for branding, sales, and marketing.

Grant for the stay abroad

You will receive a grant as financial support for your travel and subsistence costs during your stay. This grant is paid to you by the local contact point where your application was submitted. The amount of financial support and the method of payment (e.g., partial payment at the beginning of the stay, monthly payments, etc.) are regulated in an agreement with the intermediary organization. The financial aid is calculated on a monthly basis and depends on the general cost of living in the host country.

Which countries participate in the "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs" program?

In addition to the EU member states (including outermost regions and the Overseas Countries and Territories) of the EU), the following countries are involved: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.

For more information about the program, click here: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs