Business planning

Business planning When Family Members Work in the Company

Especially in young companies and small businesses, it is common for spouses or other family members to work in the company.

The headline “How to apply for a tax number in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern”, backed by a photo of Schwerin Castle with a bridge on the lake
Business planning Tax Number in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: How to apply

After registering your business in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, the next crucial step is applying for your tax number (Steuernummer) from the responsible tax office (Finanzamt). You need this for proper taxation of your business. This article explains step by step how to apply for your tax number in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and what to keep in mind.

Business planning E-Invoices: Free Reader from the Tax Authorities

Starting January 1, 2025, e-invoices will generally be required for transactions between domestic businesses.

Business planning Annual Tax Act 2024

The Annual Tax Act 2024 has been published in the Federal Law Gazette and is now coming into force in large parts.

Business planning E-Cargo Bikes: Purchase Subsidies Are Back

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is once again providing subsidies for the purchase of e-cargo bikes and e-cargo trailers used for bicycle-based freight transport.

Business planning Company Christmas Party: What You Should Keep in Mind

There’s no denying it: The Advent season is approaching, and with it comes the time for company Christmas parties.

Jahresmeldung Minijobber:innen
Business planning Don’t forget: Minimum wage will increase again starting in 2025.

As always, the increase in the minimum wage may potentially impact existing employment contracts.

Rechnung schreiben
Business planning E-Invoices: Issuance Mandatory from 2025

Starting January 1, 2025, e-invoices will be mandatory, with only a few exceptions. Transition periods apply.

Business planning How to Find a Business Idea

Depending on the survey, 10 to 25 percent of Germans could imagine taking the step into self-employment.

Business planning How do you create a correct invoice?

With an invoice, you request the buyer to pay the agreed price for the delivered goods or provided service.

Business planning Small Business Regulation: Who can and should use it?

As a startup founder, you can use the small business regulation if your revenue does not exceed certain limits.

Business planning If I want to become self-employed as a freelancer

The most important characteristic for freelancers is the close connection between personal education and professional independence.

Business planning Becoming an influencer – how to make it work with self-employment

The decision to become an influencer today is not an easy one and depends heavily on personal goals, passions and talents. Although the market for influencers is highly competitive, there are still good reasons to take this path.

Business planning Tax Tips for Startups

In addition to a well-thought-out business plan, tax knowledge is also a prerequisite for your economic success.

Business planning Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs: European exchange program for (future) young entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Entrepreneurs offers you the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs who run a small business in another participating country.

Business planning Trademark Research and Registration: Secure a €1000 Grant in Just 5 Minutes.

The SME Fund covers up to 75% of the costs for your trademark matters. This article provides you with checklists and guidelines. It’s a fundamental recommendation […]

Business planning Company car: (Electronic) mileage log or rather one percent rule?

The tax office generally assumes that as a self-employed individual, you also use your company car for private purposes. This private portion must then be taxed.

Business planning 10 Tips for Taking the Step into Entrepreneurship

Every business idea is different, and each has its unique path. However, some fundamental aspects are more or less shared by all when planning a startup.

Business planning Government expands access to capital for start-up companies

An additional 1.75 billion euros from the Future Fund and ERP Special Assets are to be used for technology and innovation developments in Germany.

Business planning “Business Succession – A Chance for Entrepreneurs?”

A business succession is a complex process that must be well prepared by both parties.