
Magazine Tortenmarie: From Passion to Entrepreneurship

Since 2007, Cindy Baugatz has been running the Tortenmarie confectionery in the Feldberger Seenlandschaft. At two locations, she offers a variety of baked goods that she and her team create with great attention to detail. The story of Tortenmarie is marked by passion, perseverance, and the support of her family.

Magazine When Family Members Work in the Company

Especially in young companies and small businesses, it is common for spouses or other family members to work in the company.

Magazine Girls’Day and Boys’Day 2025

Girls’Day and Boys’Day are the opportunity to explore professions and fields of study that students might not typically consider for themselves.

Symbolbild für neue Öffnungszeitenverordnung
Magazine New Opening Hours Regulation in M-V

On January 18, 2025, the cabinet cleared the way for the new opening hours regulation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Magazine “Mathe mit Rick”: The formula for success

“Mathe mit Rick”: What began as a simple idea has developed into a successful educational company that brings schoolchildren closer to math in an innovative way.

Magazine Starting a retail business: What should you consider?

If you want to open a retail business, there are many aspects you need to consider.

Magazine Baltic Print & Service: A New Chapter Begins

For Baltic Print & Service, the business succession in the printing and advertising industry marks a significant milestone. After more than 20 years of successful leadership, Martin Parey is handing over ABS Werbestudio to Kay Giertz and the newly founded Baltic Print & Service GmbH.

Magazine An (almost true) Christmas Story

In a small town (let’s just call it Neubrandenburg), the founding team of Einfach anfangen & Co. sat in their little office.

substitute rest day
Magazine Christmas: Substitute Rest Day for Sunday and Holiday Work

If employees work on Sundays and public holidays, they are entitled to a substitute rest day.

Magazine Becoming More Successful Through Cooperation

As founders or young businesses, you naturally approach your work with confidence and drive.

Magazine E-Invoices: Free Reader from the Tax Authorities

Starting January 1, 2025, e-invoices will generally be required for transactions between domestic businesses.

Magazine Annual Tax Act 2024

The Annual Tax Act 2024 has been published in the Federal Law Gazette and is now coming into force in large parts.

Magazine E-Cargo Bikes: Purchase Subsidies Are Back

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is once again providing subsidies for the purchase of e-cargo bikes and e-cargo trailers used for bicycle-based freight transport.

Künstliche Intelligenz, Artificial Intelligence
Magazine How Can I Use Artificial Intelligence in My Small Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered a key technology that will significantly shape the future of work.

Magazine Company Christmas Party: What You Should Keep in Mind

There’s no denying it: The Advent season is approaching, and with it comes the time for company Christmas parties.

Jahresmeldung Minijobber:innen
Magazine Don’t forget: Minimum wage will increase again starting in 2025.

As always, the increase in the minimum wage may potentially impact existing employment contracts.

Rechnung schreiben
Magazine E-Invoices: Issuance Mandatory from 2025

Starting January 1, 2025, e-invoices will be mandatory, with only a few exceptions. Transition periods apply.

Magazine Don’t forget: Daylight Saving Time 2024 ends this weekend!

This year’s Daylight Saving Time ends on the night of Sunday, October 27, 2024. The clocks will be set back from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

Magazine Business Plan Competition “SEGEL SETZEN!” 2024: Final Sprint!

The start-up agency Stapellauf Nordost organizes its annual business plan competition. This serves as a springboard for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas from all research institutions and universities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Magazine Access foreign markets!

The BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) supports small and medium-sized enterprises in accessing new foreign markets through an export initiative.