In the GründerMV interview, Rick Kummerow (33) shares his experiences and insights into the founding of his company “Mathe mit Rick”, the challenges he had to overcome and his visions for the future.
Rick, you are the creative mind behind “Mathe mit Rick”. How would you describe your company?
"Mathe mit Rick” is an educational company that helps students to better understand math and improve their performance. My goal is for them to succeed in their math A-levels. The heart of my company is my YouTube channel, supplemented by scripts, flashcards and online courses.
What inspired you to start “Mathe mit Rick”?
After completing my teacher training in mathematics and history, I traveled all over Germany as an Abitur coach and taught Abitur courses in five days. In 2020, I decided to make these experiences available online.
I had already uploaded content to YouTube and wanted to expand this channel. In November 2021, I registered “Mathe with Rick” as a side business, and since December 1, 2023, it has been my main business.
I have developed Abitur-specific flashcards and created a workbook that presents the Abitur as a recipe book.
“Founding 'Mathe mit Rick' was a journey full of challenges and learning moments. But with the right support and a clear goal in mind, you can overcome any hurdle and achieve great things.”
– Rick Kummerow, founder of "Mathe mit Rick"
How has “Mathe mit Rick” developed since it was founded and what milestones have you achieved?
An important milestone was my first video in 2020. Initially, I thought that social media would make you rich quickly, but I was only earning three euros a day. The next big step was reaching 1000 subscribers in November 2020, which also coincided with registering as a side hustle.
I started recording my math series “How to Abi” and registered “Mathe mit Rick” as a main business on December 1, 2023. In May 2024, I realized that I could make a living from it, and in November 2024, I received the OZ Entrepreneur Award.
Cover picture: Photomontage VTM
Did you take advantage of start-up advice and how did you approach the topic of financing?
I received advice from the Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce and found the support very valuable and helpful. Questions about account allocation, start-up grants and business plans were clarified there. I also received a certificate of viability without any problems.
I discussed the financing with my tax advisor. The basic equipment for my business was already in place and there were only minor expenses for software.
How is your learning content received by A-level students and when is the best time to start learning?
Overall, the feedback is very positive and honest. Especially after the final exams in May/June, many people show their gratitude, which is overwhelming. I then take a month to reply to all the comments.
100 days before the exams is the ideal time to start preparing. Unfortunately, practicing is often seen as a punishment. But it should be seen as a gift. It is important to practise regularly, because the more you practise, the better you get.
What motivates you to keep going every day?
In the time leading up to the Abitur, I feel similar to high school graduates – with existential fears and stress. If my offers help even just one person, that's already a success for me. The opportunity to offer educational opportunities motivates me greatly.
Learning is a beautiful process and it's fun to be part of it. When people engage with math instead of getting lost on social media, it's a step in the right direction.
"Being able to offer people educational opportunities is a strong motivator. If my offers help even just one person,
– Rick Kummerow, founder of "Mathe mit Rick"
that's already a success for me.”
Träumst du von Formeln? Und wie balancierst du die Anforderungen deines Unternehmens mit deinem Privatleben?
I find it difficult to switch off. Even when I'm watching a movie, I often think about mathematical formulas. My workspace is in my apartment under my bunk bed, and I like to work at night.
I actually dream about formulas, especially at exam time. My dreams are about exam situations and people who don't pass the exam.
For me, summer – June, July, August – is my free time and time for self-care. Then I can sleep in and go to the beach.
An office could help me to better separate my professional and private life. I'm working on that right now.
What goals and visions do you have for “Mathe mit Rick”?
I would like to see more cooperation in the education sector. Every federal state has its own math problems, which is often associated with hurdles and costs. A standardized Abitur would be ideal.
I am currently setting up a learning platform for math basics and am planning a new Abi series for this year. The playlist on YouTube is already finished. Courses and learning opportunities will be added, such as a learning platform for math basics.
What tip do you have for prospective founders?
I advise everyone to find a tax advisor early on and seek support. A good tax advisor can not only help with financial planning and accounting, but also provide valuable advice on company structure and tax optimization.
It is also important to build up a network of mentors and advisors who can help with questions and challenges. With the right support, you can overcome many hurdles more easily and pave the way to success.
Mathe mit Rick