First Aid at Work: Not just a mandatory exercise!

An accident can happen quickly, and even customers or suppliers can get injured in the company, experience a medical emergency, and be in need of first aid.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 10.04.2024

Therefore, everyone should know how to act in such a situation - especially how to provide first aid. Particularly important for everything to work smoothly: good organization and communication of the topic within the company. All essential information should and must be communicated in advance. Because good preparation can save lives!

Annual Instruction

According to § 12 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG), you must discuss certain occupational safety topics with employees at least once a year (twice a year if young people are employed in the company). This provides a fundamental instrument for preparing everyone in the company for emergencies and disseminating important information about the procedures of first aid to the employees.

The following facts should be communicated at least by you or a designated person:

  • What are the first aid measures?
  • Where is the first aid material located, e.g., first aid kits or automated external defibrillators (AEDs)?
  • Where and how can an emergency call be made?
  • Who else should be informed about the accident?
  • How are rescue units directed to the emergency site?
  • Who are the first aiders in the company and how can they be reached?

Posters on First Aid

It is also useful to have posters displayed, for example, posters can inform employees about emergency calls, first aid materials, and first aid personnel (Note: Companies are required, depending on the size of the business, to train a certain number of first aiders and ensure they receive regular training). It is also important: Every event where first aid was provided must be recorded.


You can find further information on the topic, for example, on the pages of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Department of First Aid.