MV continues to promote the introduction of digitalization solutions

Support for the introduction of digitalization solutions is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in the long term.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 09.07.2024
MV fördert weiter die Einführung von Digitalisierungslösungen

Objectives in the "Digitalization Promotion MV" Program

The technological transformation in companies is to be accelerated through the use and application of new digital technologies. The application and development of digitalization solutions should lead to improved workflows and more effective production and service processes. The quality and quantity of products and processes should be increased, enabling the tracking of operational processes. By promoting the use of digitalization, automation, and the application of artificial intelligence in companies, the negative effects of the skilled labor shortage should also be countered.

"The technological transformation in companies is the focus. It should be reflected in changes and innovations in technology as well as in improved or novel methods and workflows," said Minister of Economic Affairs Reinhard Meyer.

Application Requirements

The applicant must demonstrate that the funding measure is suitable for introducing digitalization solutions to qualitatively and/or quantitatively improve the production and/or service process. The funded project must have significant impacts on products, processes, or work processes and influence the skilled labor issue within the company. The applicant must have a business location or branch in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Who is Eligible for Funding?

Eligible applicants are SMEs in the commercial economy with fewer than 100 employees who, without public assistance, would not be able to introduce digital production and service processes at all or only with significant time delays. Eligible SMEs are those operating in the following economic sectors:

  • Production (manufacturing industry)
  • Craft trades
  • Tourism

What is Funded?

Under this funding call, projects in the following three focus areas are funded:

  • Digitalization in production (manufacturing industry)
  • Digitalization in craft trades
  • Digitalization in tourism

In these focus areas, investments for the implementation of process innovations are supported, which enable the application of a new or significantly improved method for production or service provision, including substantial changes in technology, equipment, or software at the company level, for example, through the use of new or innovative digital technologies or solutions.

How is the Introduction of Digitalization Solutions Funded?

The funding is provided as project funding in the form of a non-repayable grant or as project funding in the form of a non-repayable grant under the de minimis regulation. The legal basis for aid is the guideline on the granting of subsidies for the promotion of research, development, and innovation. SMEs with fewer than 100 employees can receive up to 50 percent of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of 50.000 € per project under the promotion of small digital business investments. The eligible expenses must be at least 30.000 €.

What is Not Funded?

Investments in standard hardware and standard software are excluded from the Digitalization Promotion MV. Only measures that are not already covered by other funding instruments can be considered for the Digitalization Promotion MV.

Application Procedure

A project outline must be submitted, describing the project and clarifying the expected technological progress through digitalization for the company. The project must not have started before the completion of the procedure.

The procedure is two-stage:

  1. Stage 1: Submission of project outlines in digital form. Selection of funding projects by a review committee within the available budget.
  2. Stage 2: The formal application procedure at TBI GmbH for the projects selected in Stage 1.

Applications can only be submitted via email. Submit your project outline to the Technology Consulting Institute GmbH (TBI) at You will be informed of the review results and, if positively evaluated, invited to submit a formal application.

Important Notice

Please note the limited duration of the funding call from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024! Only project outline submitted by this date will be considered!