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Tips for everyday business

  • Entrepreneurial life has many pitfalls in store. Here you can find out how to avoid (almost) all of them and what else is important for a successful business.
Tips for everyday business MVeffizient helps companies save energy

MVeffizient shows companies in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania how to reduce energy costs and CO₂ emissions.

Tips for everyday business If you want to employ seasonal workers

Especially in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, those economic sectors are prominent in which, by their very nature, many seasonal workers are employed.

substitute rest day
Tips for everyday business Christmas: Substitute Rest Day for Sunday and Holiday Work

If employees work on Sundays and public holidays, they are entitled to a substitute rest day.

Tips for everyday business Becoming More Successful Through Cooperation

As founders or young businesses, you naturally approach your work with confidence and drive.

Tips for everyday business E-Cargo Bikes: Purchase Subsidies Are Back

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is once again providing subsidies for the purchase of e-cargo bikes and e-cargo trailers used for bicycle-based freight transport.

Künstliche Intelligenz, Artificial Intelligence
Tips for everyday business How Can I Use Artificial Intelligence in My Small Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered a key technology that will significantly shape the future of work.

Tips for everyday business Company Christmas Party: What You Should Keep in Mind

There’s no denying it: The Advent season is approaching, and with it comes the time for company Christmas parties.

Tips for everyday business Don’t forget: Daylight Saving Time 2024 ends this weekend!

This year’s Daylight Saving Time ends on the night of Sunday, October 27, 2024. The clocks will be set back from 3:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.

Tips for everyday business Access foreign markets!

The BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) supports small and medium-sized enterprises in accessing new foreign markets through an export initiative.

Tips for everyday business Minimum Apprenticeship Remuneration for Trainees

The minimum apprenticeship remuneration refers to the legally mandated minimum payment that must be provided to apprentices in Germany.

Tips for everyday business A crisis is looming: How can I save my company?

Every entrepreneur makes mistakes from time to time. However, entrepreneurial mistakes only turn into a crisis if they are not recognized and corrected.

Tips for everyday business What must craftsmen provide on their invoices when an hourly wage has been agreed upon?

If an hourly wage has been agreed upon for a craft service, you, as a craftsman, must include certain information on your invoice to comply with the requirements of German law.

Tips for everyday business Marketing: More Than Just Advertising

Marketing is often equated with advertising. However, this is a very simplified view—there is much more to marketing than that.

Knigge-Regeln für Gründer
Tips for everyday business Etiquette rules for founders: Stylish in business life

As the founder of a company, it is crucial to impress not only with your business ideas, but also with your behavior and appearance. Adhering to etiquette rules can help you to appear professional and respectful and thus build long-term business relationships.

Tips for everyday business Trainees: When the new training year begins

If you want to train trainees in your company, you must meet certain training requirements and pay attention to several things.

Tips for everyday business How to Use Artificial Intelligence Without Violating Data Privacy

Many companies hesitate to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) out of fear of violating data privacy regulations.

MV fördert weiter die Einführung von Digitalisierungslösungen
Tips for everyday business MV continues to promote the introduction of digitalization solutions

Support for the introduction of digitalization solutions is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in the long term.

Tips for everyday business Home Office as the New Routine

The work culture in Germany has changed sustainably, because even after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, home office is no longer an exception but has become part of everyday life for many employees and employers.

Tips for everyday business First Aid at Work: Not just a mandatory exercise!

An accident can happen quickly, and even customers or suppliers can get injured in the company, experience a medical emergency, and be in need of first aid.

Tips for everyday business Trademark Research and Registration: Secure a €1000 Grant in Just 5 Minutes.

The SME Fund covers up to 75% of the costs for your trademark matters. This article provides you with checklists and guidelines. It’s a fundamental recommendation […]