Guide - Seite 2

Guide Trainees: When the new training year begins

If you want to train trainees in your company, you must meet certain training requirements and pay attention to several things.

Guide How to Use Artificial Intelligence Without Violating Data Privacy

Many companies hesitate to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) out of fear of violating data privacy regulations.

Guide Becoming an influencer – how to make it work with self-employment

The decision to become an influencer today is not an easy one and depends heavily on personal goals, passions and talents. Although the market for influencers is highly competitive, there are still good reasons to take this path.

MV fördert weiter die Einführung von Digitalisierungslösungen
Guide MV continues to promote the introduction of digitalization solutions

Support for the introduction of digitalization solutions is intended to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in the long term.

Guide Home Office as the New Routine

The work culture in Germany has changed sustainably, because even after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, home office is no longer an exception but has become part of everyday life for many employees and employers.

Guide Tips for a Successful Trade Show Participation

Even in the digital age, participating in a trade show provides an excellent opportunity to directly engage with potential customers or other businesses, and to introduce your company and its products to a wide audience, especially if your company is not yet well-known.

Guide First Aid at Work: Not just a mandatory exercise!

An accident can happen quickly, and even customers or suppliers can get injured in the company, experience a medical emergency, and be in need of first aid.

Guide Trademark Research and Registration: Secure a €1000 Grant in Just 5 Minutes.

The SME Fund covers up to 75% of the costs for your trademark matters. This article provides you with checklists and guidelines. It’s a fundamental recommendation […]

Guide Company car: (Electronic) mileage log or rather one percent rule?

The tax office generally assumes that as a self-employed individual, you also use your company car for private purposes. This private portion must then be taxed.

Guide Stay flexible with fixed-term employment contracts

Fixed-term employment contracts are an instrument for making the labor market flexible.

Guide Every website needs a Data protection declaration

All websites need a Data protection declaration in addition to the legal notice. This is even required by law.

Guide Retention periods for business records

Which records and documents must be kept and for how long?

Guide Social security contributions for employees: This is how they are calculated

How are social security contributions calculated, what special rules apply to low earners, what does the March clause mean?